
Our Diary


Noir et Blanc

As far as I remember myself in my childhood, I could not resist to the charm of old, black- and- white photos—most of them came from my mother’s younger years—during my visits to my grandmother’s home. I am sure that each of us has been captivated by the magical atmosphere that these photos exude. It’s not only the portraits but also the land that these photos depict. Our land, our roots. Ha...
Sophia 251 5002

Lemon Cake – our recipe

It has been 13 years since i moved to <strong>Mykonos.</strong> Throughout those years, i have become a fun of lemon trees. The reason behind this is because is common for locals in <strong>Mykonos</strong> to have their own lemon trees in their homes. Mykonos is a rocky island with a shortage of water and there are not many opporunities for cultivation. Therefore, the locals plant their own trees...

Olive breads' recipe

‘’the olive bread was to die for’’ something that I hear very often in our small ‘’eatery ‘Ariston here in our<strong> boutique hotel in Mykonos</strong> during breakfast time or when I am honored to read in your precious reviews how much you liked them. Yes, these are the olive breads… i couldn’t imagine the number of breads I was able to bake when years ago my grandmother gave me an old paper...

A welcome to remember…the recipe

It’s already a tradition here in <strong>Aether</strong> in <strong>Mykonos</strong> to welcome you with<strong> local handmade</strong> delights…But there is also a <strong>liqueur</strong> that we use to prepare all these years and the taste is unforgettable…a sweet fine flowerless taste… Very often you ask me for the recipe…It is super easy as the only ingredient you need is a plant in your gar...

Aether is….

What a beautiful thing to communicate with all of you through our blog here in Aether’s website. Something new, that I wanted so much and now comes true… I was wondering which will be the issue of my first writing…and then I decided to speak about…<strong>Aether</strong>… During these amazing 8 years of running our <strong>small boutique hotel</strong> in <strong>Mykonos</strong> I remember ...

3 Reasons To Book Us

  • Best price guarantee (sign up for our loyalty program and get discount up to 12%)

  • Room upgrade upon availability

  • Welcome drink